
The Role Of Music In Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Decent Essays

Music is a powerful tool in our media to convey specific emotions from the audience. Television, film, news, sports, musicals and theatre are types of media using music to bring out our emotions. Music transports the audience into the world being watched. Movies use music to convey ideas and feelings to large audiences. Through music we feel and react to developments of the mood, landscape and tension in a part in the film. Can you imagine our favorite films without music? These films would not be as exciting without the orchestrated energy. The added music changes everything in the film, and a wonderful score can uplift a movie from decent to classic. The music from Star Wars: The Force Awakens composed by John Williams effectively creates a resounding atmosphere for the settings, helps communicate the story, and strikes an emotional cord to help the audience follow the film. The musical score can be important for setting an atmosphere of the film. The music can be influential in …show more content…

The emotions and themes in the music of are always clear. They point out the importance of happiness, joy and victory as a source of optimism and show the sadness, fear and anger during the films darkest times. The music of the Star Wars universe has allowed audiences to experience good and evil through deeper, darker tones for evil and lighter, robust notes for good. The music gives us the opportunity to cheer or jeer the heroes and villains by bringing all our hopes and feelings to the surface. The music helps tell the story with scenic grand planets and beautiful landscapes, it guides the audience through the story, action and dialogue, and brings out all of our emotions that leaves the audience wanting more. Music proves how important it is to film and can have a lasting effect on how we feel about a

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