
The Role Of Isolation In Leslie Morgan Steiner's Crazy Love

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In Leslie Morgan Steiner’s, “Crazy Love”, Leslie initially did not leave because she felt she was in love but this delusional love takes a sharp turn into isolation, intimidation, physical, emotional and economical abuse. Not wanting to be the sole reason of breaking her family apart, ruining Conors image, and becoming embarrassed that people would judge her, she stays. Conor used isolation in a way by controlling who she talks to in every aspect that he can by trying to keep her as distant as possible between her and family and friends. Even going to the extreme of relocating to Vermont, leaving her with no other option but him, sticking with him through the abuse. Taking in consideration of her childhood and upbringing plays an effect on Leslies staying too. Having a troubled past herself, Leslie does not past quick judgement on Conors unstable abusive childhood, becoming sympathetic and accepting. …show more content…

Being afraid he would kill her became another factor in staying in this abusive relationship. At one point he had a loaded colt 45 to her neck and threatened to pull the trigger. Going so far as on another occasion he pulled the keys out of the ignition while she was driving on the highway almost causing a major incident. He also pushed her down the stairs over some argument over his laundry. All these and other events compounded in Leslies mind that if she tried to leave him, he might fulfill his threat to kill her. Conor used male privilege and was emotionally abusing her claiming her as a possession rather than a partner. For example, on page 89 states while making love to her, he had chocked her till she could not breathe and said “I own you”. In other instances, he insulted her by calling her “my bitch” but her judgement was clouded by the insanity love that all she was “my” and not the bitch. Overall, this book shows you regardless of your economic status anyone can be a victim of abuse and with the given chance and support anyone can overcome

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