
The Role Of Immigrants In Lower Canada

Satisfactory Essays

We demand a change! Our government focuses on one group of people. This concept is not only here in Upper Canada, but also in Lower Canada. The only focus is on white British wealthy men. So many people are left out. Why even, have people vote if they all think the same? What about the First Nations Peoples who you promised the right to a homeland after all their hard work defending us. Do only white wealthy men count? Shouldn’t the farmers who have been here for generations get inpu Also, why are we being ruled by the British we are their second hand? Don’t we deserve to be our own country? This is unfair and will not be tolerated by us, the French, the wives and mothers and the First Nations. Also, the only opportunity to vote is for the fourth in command. …show more content…

We should all be able to vote for the First In Command like a real democracy! Our Government also puts immigrants from Britain first, not those who have their roots plotted in British North America. Land is reserved for immigrants not those promised who have been here forever. The people should choose the government, we should be a real democracy without only ever relying on the British crown across the sea. You are all so narrow minded, think about others not just you. This is far from a government. Where are we in all of this? If you don’t think about everyone else inhabited here you will be in deep trouble. A change for all of us is what makes a government. I am living in a non constitutional government. You’ve been warned, change your ways or we will fight back. Beware, your greatest weakness will soon be discovered, and when we find out what it is we’ll break

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