
The Role Of Human Resource Management And Personnel Management

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Working conditions have changed over the past few hundred years, mainly due to the development of the most essential part of an organisation. The Human Resource Department. The human resource department ensures that high morale of employees is kept constant to make sure that high output is produced. A happy workforce means a high output rate studies have shown. Within this report the main aim is to delve into the historical development of human resources and personnel management. In addition, the report will look at how the workplace and employee and employer relations have changed of the past two hundred years. Lastly, this report will include the definitions and functions of Human resource management and Personnel management.

Definition of Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management, or HR, is a workplaces personal team that is there to deal with any recruitment and selection, ensure equality and high morale for higher output for the organisation, and to ensure that all training requirements are met. By definition, HR is the part of an organisation that ensure that employee welfare is met and that the employee part of the organisation is happy, to ensure the smooth running of the workplace.

Human Resource Management versus Personnel Management

There are many reasons as to why HR differs from Personnel Management, PM. Both HR and PM have the function of managing employees within the workplace. The difference is however that HR wants to separate

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