
The Role Of Happiness In Aristotle's Nichomachean Ethics

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Most people believe that the height of life is reached when you are living a life filled with pleasures like money, power, and good health, but to Aristotle, this simply is not the case. Aristotle specifically felt that a truly happy person wants for nothing seeking happiness just for that and for no other reason. Happiness in the dictionary is defined as the state of being content or satisfied. In Aristotle's Nichomachean Ethics, he gives his view as to what he believes the definition of happiness is. To him happiness is not directly experienced through pleasure, it depends on a broad range of conditions that need to be fulfilled. Pleasure results from the satisfaction of one's desire for something, meaning that we get what we want, and …show more content…

These choices are dependent upon the individual who is making the decision and does not rely on anyother aspects like religion or culture. It has more to do with disposition and the nature of what it is to be human, than with the rights and wrongs of ones actions. Instead of concentrating on what is the right thing to do, moral virtue asks what can you do to become a better person. Aristotle says that those who lead a virtuous life are very happy and have a real sense of well-being. As humans we become virtuous by acting in a ethical manner, this states that one acts how they are supposed to , when they are supposed to , and most importantly, in the manner they supposed to. Moral virtues are a means to becoming happy, but cannot achieve happiness on there own, therefore, one needs external things that are good to reach the goal. As individuals we must practice virtuous, or morally good, acts regularly in order to become a better person. After some time, these acts will become what we consider to be a habit and so these exemplery acts become part of our daily routine and then eventually we will be leading a truly virtuous life. An example of this situation would be that, if a dancer practices his/her dance moves everyday, they will get better at their routines and more accustomed to doing certain moves, making them an all together better dancer and performer. Individuals who practice their virtues will improve their skills and in the end will be happier people. According to Aristotle an individual who struggles with acquiring virtues, is in the long run a better person and is far more happy feeling that they have a right to that happiness as they worked very hard for it. When a person practices their virtues, they will eventually be acting in the morally right way. Aristotle believed that virtues are something that we gain throughout our lives, and are not something

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