
The Role Of Cosmic Irony In The Necklace

Satisfactory Essays

The cosmic irony in the necklace begins with Madame Loisel who was born into a family of commoners and was charming and lovely. She has no chance of meeting a rich man to take her away from her commoners lifestyle. She was married off to a another commoner and she was to dress simple and not fancy because it is not her lifestyle to dress fancy. The irony begins to set in when she and her husband are invited to this party by The Minister of Education and his wife, Madame Georges Ramponneau. Instead of being thrilled, as her husband had hoped, she forcefully threw the invitation onto the table saying, “What do you want me to do with this?” “But darling,I thought you’d be pleased. You never go out,and tis really special occasion…”, is where she is upset to go because she has nothing nice to wear to this party with important guests going to be there (173). She is weary about going to this party because she isn't of the richest quota of the community. She was a lady with no richest married to a commoner. She finally decided to go to the party and she realized she doesn't have a dress or anything to wear then she asked one of her friends if she has anything she can borrow to wear to the party and she lets her borrow a necklace. She began to worry about what she will have to wear and if she has the money to buy anything to wear for her and her husband. Her husband offers her four hundred francs to buy a fancy dress for her to wear to the party. Then, she says, “I’m upset because i haven’t a single piece of jewelry or a gemstone to wear….(174). She calls one of her friends and ask if she could borrow a necklace from her and she says yes. The cosmic irony truly hits when Madame Loisel …show more content…

She sees Madame in town looking youthful and lively and she wants to talk to

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