
The Road Not Taken Tone

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The poem “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost starts out with the speaker facing a dilemma. He must make a decision about which path to take. Frost utilizes metaphor and tone to develop his theme about having to make decisions in life, whether they be something as major as choosing a career to pursue or something as simple as choosing what movie to see or what to have for dinner.
The speaker states, “Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both” which is talking about a metaphorical fork in the road (lines 1-2). Once the road forks, he has to choose which path to take, the one that most people take or the one that as been less traveled. He cannot decide. He simply stands there and “[looks] down one as far as [he …show more content…

He is confused about which path he should take because he is curious about what lies down each path. His curiosity got the best of him. He “looked down one as far as [he] could To where it bent in the undergrowth” and “Then took the other, as just as fair” (lines 4-5 and 6). He decides that the second one is “perhaps the better claim, Because it [is] grassy and [wants] wear” but that they are also both “worn [...] about the same” (lines 7-9). He has discovered what lies down each path. However, he still cannot decide which one is the better one to take. How is he supposed to choose from two things that are almost exactly alike? It appears that one is no better or worse than the other. Why is this such a difficult decision for the speaker to make? It can be a harder decision to come to if the things being decided upon are seemingly identical instead of completely different because one really could be better than the other due to certain factors that are not totally obvious. He then states, “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-I took the one less traveled by” (lines 18-19). He also states, “And that has made all the difference” (line 20). He makes the decision to take the road that has been less traveled upon, or has at least claims to have taken it. Whether or not he actually takes the path less traveled or if there actually is a path that has been less traveled, he claims that there is and that he takes it. By saying he chose

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