
The Rhetorical Analysis Of Washington's Farewell Address

Decent Essays

Washington was a key figure in our nation’s history and his decision to step down appalled the citizens of America. In addition to shocking the country, Washington’s Farewell Address set a precedent for presidents to come. In his address, Washington gave his reasons for refusing to run a third term, and pieces of advice. The first warning Washington gave was to stay neutral, the second was to understand the importance of the separation of powers, and the third was not to form political parties. Though this guidance is not often followed, Washington had good reasons for giving it. His own opinions were formed by his experiences as President. Washington believed that the nation should remain bipartisan and neutral, and understand the …show more content…

To achieve this, Washington believed that we as a people should frequently go back to the Constitution as a guide for our actions. If the government was ever to wrong the people or to bring about an unconstitutional law, the people had the right to protest, but any changes should be made legally, in a way that the constitution allowed. Based on what he had seen in other countries and in the Whiskey Rebellion, he knew that overthrowing the government would lead to chaos. Citizens should not use violence to voice their opinion. They should instead use the powers granted to them in the constitution to create change. A civilized nation’s citizens should not hold riots in honor of their own opinions, but create radical change in a way that can be respected by their fellow citizens and by other countries.
Washington’s third piece of advice was about staying neutral. He believed that becoming too attached or too adverse to one country would hurt the United States. This was shown when Washington said, “...history and experience prove that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of republican government…” Washington has seen the negative effect that bias can have on a nation. Knowing that hate for one country can lead a government to hastily break ties with another, he warns that we should not develop an antipathy towards any nation. That is not to say that we should favor another, as that could bring about the

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