
The Rhetorical Analysis Of Queen Elizabeth In 1588

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In August of 1588, Queen Elizabeth I prepares her troops for the oncoming invasion by the Spanish army. As she rallies her troops with a triumphant speech. Because the Queen was faced with the downgrading of women at the time politically and domestically, Queen Elizabeth must use smart and bold strategies throughout her speech. In order to inspire the troops to be the most successful in the protection of their home empire. In her speech, the Queen uses strategies such as: using a masculine tone, using strong pronouns, and using a specific structure in her ideas in order to persuade her audience (her troops).
The first strategy Queen Elizabeth uses in her speech is how she uses strong pronouns to keep a powerful and controlling point. There are many instances throughout her speech she puts emphasis on the idea of “togetherness.” For example, words like we, us, and our appear in the text when she states “we have been persuaded by some that are careful of our safety, to take heed how we commit ourselves to armed multitudes, for fear of treatery.” These words show the power in the loyalty she has to her people and the loyalty her people have for their Queen and empire. This loyalty is important because the troops should feel a bond and a passion, to understand the bigger picture in what they are fighting for. She then transitions into individual pronouns towards the end of the speech. Words like I, my, myself, and my, express a powerful tone in her speech. For example she states

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