
The Revolution Of The French Revolution

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The French Revolution was a huge turning point in the history of the world and also influenced a handful of future revolutions. This event also inspired a large assortment of paintings and literature. One of the most famous and recognizable paintings in the world that was created during the French Revolution was The 28th July: Liberty Leading the People. Eugène Delacroix, whom was a French romantic artist, created this iconic painting in 1830 to commemorate the July Revolution (July 26th-29th, 1830). It is known for using the famous goddess Liberty as the centerpiece of the painting. There has been controversy over the portrayal of Liberty, including her physical characteristics as well as the role she’s playing in the painting. However, …show more content…

King Louis XVIII agreed to the creation of a constitution and “promised a constitutional monarchy, with a bicameral parliament, religious toleration, and constitutional rights for all citizens.” However, the parliament was composed of extremely right wing royalists and was dismissed in 1816 due to disagreements. Louis XVIII later died in 1824, but he spent the rest of his time at the throne trying to heal the wounds of the Revolution. Following the death of Louis XVIII, his brother Charles X took the throne in 1824. Though the people were optimistic at the beginning of his reign, the opinion of the new king eventually turned sour. Charles X returned the land to the “enemies of the Revolution” that had been during the time under Napoleon, “largely at the expense of bourgeois holders of government bonds.” Charles X was also not religiously tolerant. He was a devoted Catholic, thus giving a large amount of power to the clergy and imposed the death penalty for refusing the Eucharist or any other religious sacraments. As Charles X lost support in parliament and from the general population, he felt the need to suspend the elections for officials because of radical motives. On July 26th, by Article 14 of the Charter, Charles X was able to put into action the July Ordinances, which included four rules: “censored the press, dissolved the newly elected chamber, altered the electoral system, and called for elections in September.” The violation of the

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