
A Revolution Of Sentiments Essay

Decent Essays

A Revolution of Sentiments The American Revolution was more of an accelerated evolution than a revolution. However, the exodus of some 80,000 Loyalists left a great lack of conservatives. This weakening of the aristocratic “upper crust” let Patriot elites emerge. The fight for separation of church and state resulted in notable gains. The Congregational church continued to be legally established by some New England states, but the Anglican Church was humbled and reformed as the Protestant Episcopal Church. Slavery was a big, problematic issue, as the Continental Congress of 1774 had called for the abolition of slavery, and in 1775, the Philadelphia Quakers founded the world’s first antislavery society. This new spirit of “all men are created equal” even inspired a few slave owners to free their slaves. Another issue was women: they still were unequal to men, even though some had served (disguised as men) in the Revolutionary War. There were some achievements: New Jersey’s 1776 constitution allowed women to vote (for a time). Mothers devoted to their families were developed as an idea of “republican motherhood” and elevated women to higher statuses as keepers of the nation’s conscience. Constitution Making in the States The Continental Congress of 1776 called upon colonies to draft new constitutions (thus began the formation of the Articles of the Confederation). Massachusetts contributed one innovation when it called a special convention to draft its constitution and made it

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