
The Revolting Liquid That Originates From Petroleum

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The revolting liquid that originates from petroleum, popularly used as a fuel has become such a large part in how the modern world functions. Without it, evolution within the human race and technology would not have come as far as it is. Oil was not always used as frequently and at such a big mass as it is now. The 1800’s were when the boom of oil sands was discovered in the United States, and led to an even bigger industrial revolution throughout the country and worldwide. This led to more people working with oil and in the oil industry, and led to where we are today, with the amount of oil we use daily. It all occurred because of a man named Edwin Drake who revolutionized the way we use oil and how we access it. He also created a new …show more content…

On August 28th, 1859 Edwin Drake’s idea finally worked. He considered using iron pipes, which then shored up the well and was able to drill 70 feet. Oil began to come out and this led to an even larger industrial revolution in the United States. Because of the discovery, the Pennsylvania Oil Rush began. More and more people moved for work; drilling oil and increasing oil use it for their every day lives. This began the modern oil industry, which boosted the demand for kerosene and oil lamps. These were the modern uses of electricity at the time, and ultimately when more oil was available, the more they were able to sell. These small innovations drastically changed the world and the consumption of oil. Pennsylvania at the time was able to produce one third of the world’s oil, making the state more popular to live and work in. Since Pennsylvania was not the only place with oil sands, other states and countries also began to drill for oil, if they were not already doing so. As the years went on, the ability to drill for oil became easier because of the technological advances around the world. With the increase in oil availability, new inventions were created. The light bulb was improved by Thomas Edison to last 1000 hours with oil, gasoline powered automobiles were introduced, and oil burners on steam engines were becoming more common. This marked a new era for people and what

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