
The Relationship Of A Young Working Class Hairdresser

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When individuals are encountered with unintentional experiences, they are influenced to alter their thoughts and attitudes. Within the play written by Willy Russell presents the relationship of a young working class hairdresser, Rita who meets a retired university lecturer named Frank for the purpose of her driving motivation to become “more educated” as she is bored with her ordinary life as a working hairdresser. The poem was written in the context of 70’s England, and reflects the significant issues of that time, such as an economic gloom, with widespread inflation, low productivity, militant trade unionism and frequent strikes. Within the poem “A life” by Sylvia Plath is mainly a commentary poem illustrating how an individual’s life is split in two, one half revolving around society and the other half symbolising anything outside of the conformist nature of society.
Throughout the play of Educating Rita, readers are first introduced to a university professor who is searching for his hidden alcohol bottles in each section of his bookshelf. Being revealed to this personal interest, readers are summoned to perceive Frank as a relaxed character. “Jubilantly he moves to the Dickens section and pulls out a pile of books to reveal a bottle of whiskey.” This quote denotes that Frank keeps his drinking habits a secret, especially away from people who work in his field of teaching. The metaphorical use of Frank’s alcohol being hidden from others is a symbolic notion of his

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