
The Reflection Of The NovelThe Murder Of Roger Ackroyd?

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Christine Agatha’s detective novel The Murder of Roger Ackroyd unravels with Dr. Sheppard telling the readers about how a person was blackmailing Mrs. Ferrars leading her to commit suicide. She left a note behind to her wealthy fiancé, Roger Ackroyd, that discloses who her blackmailer is. After telling Dr. Sheppard that he received her letter and to leave him alone to read it, he was murdered. This lead everyone in the household to become a suspect. Nobody knows who killed him and it’s too much for the incompetent police officers to figure out so detective Hercule Poirot takes on this case. The readers play a role with this literary text that reveals something about themselves as well as locating their innermost desires. The role of a reader involves having preconceived notions of the book based on its title or table of contents which makes them unable to solve the mystery of the book before it is revealed. The readers come into play with Ackroyd’s murder by engaging, digging and analyzing the crime just like the FBI. The reader’s interaction with the novel is influenced by Sheppard’s perspective about the mystery. This is how Christie takes advantage of the readers; she uses manipulation with the unreliable narrator, Dr. Sheppard. This can be shown through Christie's discrete clues in the text displaying Dr. Sheppard's hidden psychopathic personality throughout his narration she cleverly leaves clues on how or why he’s like this.
The most persuasive method that Agatha uses

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