
The Reality Of Reality Television

Decent Essays

Behind the Reality of Reality TV There are many different opinions when the subject of reality television is discussed. Although reality television shows are thought to be negative they really are just mindless entertainment. Many can argue that these shows are misleading and disturbing. On the other side of this, people merely use these shows for entertainment and allow people to forget about stress in their lives. The cause of these different opinions is a result of different age, gender, religion, and race. The main purpose of these shows is simply to allow people to live vicariously through the characters. This excitement of being in other people’s lives is what makes reality television so addicting to people. With many opinions about reality television to understand the truth one has to look at the roots of these shows. Most people try to say that reality television started with MTV and there inappropriate shows but these shows really began with shows like, Candid Camera, which was shown in the 1940’s. This show involved people who were put in funny situations and pranked. This show was only meant to entertain, nothing more nothing less. Although some of today’s reality television shows are more complicated than this earlier show, they provide the same mindless entertainment. To develop the topic of entertainment more you have to look at a few aspects. One of these is drama, which many do not care to deal with from day to day. This same drama however provides a

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