
The Real Monster In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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Frankenstein by Mary Shelley is about story of conflict between Victor Frankenstein, the creator, and the creature. There are parts where it shows how Victor has no responsibility and no moral while the creature possess sympathy and moral. Through this story, we are able to see theme of revenge. People usually define the monster as the one who looks creepy and scary, but there are some people who define the monster as the one who does not possess humanity. If one who does not possess humanity is the true monster, then how do we define whether one possess humanity or not, and where do they learn to possess humanity. They do not possess such as character or humanity when they are born. However, they learn and develop their character …show more content…

He sends letter to Saville saying “I have no friends”(4). This experience helps him to share his emotion and understand the creature when the creature says “The feelings of happiness and affection with which my whole being overflowed, that I wished to be participated”(208, Frankenstein). His experience is the only reason why he is able to understand the creature. Experience helps people to understand others. Also when author sets this setting base on his experience. “Walton sends his sister, the letter which opens the novel, and the letter which ends it, is nine months, and that 'these nine months correspond almost exactly with Mary Shelley's third pregnancy', a pregnancy which itself mostly overlapped with the novel's composition” (Leader, Zachary. Parenting Frankenstein). Readers can see many things that is related to her experience from the novel. The creature became a killing machine because his characters had not developed yet. The creature has grown man looking, and he is able to sense things. However, He could not think critically because his characters had not developed yet. He was a just a baby who is tall and able to talk and feel. “I saw, felt, heard, and smelt … and it was long time before I learned to distinguish between the operations of my various sense” (90). He was just born, created, at that time by his creator Victor, so he does not have any experience and does not possess any humanity. “ But, I will argue, he is more trapped by the textual values he assimilates (ideology, mythology, symbolism) than he ever was by biology. Either he reads the wrong books or, more probably, Mary Shelley (as author and teacher) denies him the ability to read them critically”(McWhir, Anne. "Teaching the Monster to Read). Lack of experience and education lead him to kill people later. Author Mary Shelley writes this novel and set the setting like how it published now based on her personal experience. “Just

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