
The Raven Literary Devices

Decent Essays

There are many types of literary devices and techniques used in the poem called “The Raven” by Edgar Allan Poe. Most of the techniques include alliteration, repetition, internal rhyme, onomatopoeia, and end rhymes. “The Raven” was a poem about a person who lost their loved one who he called “Lenore”, then finding a raven and communicating to it about his feelings. Throughout the poem, a certain rhyme pattern is found. The rhyme pattern consist of the second line of the stanza rhyming with the fourth, fifth, and sixth line of the stanza. In my opinion, I think that is a very effective way for me to read it because it made it more interesting and easier to read. The literary devices in the poem helped the poem become more organized and enjoyable …show more content…

In the first line of the first stanza, a literary device that could be found is called “internal rhyme”, which is a sound device where there are words in the line that rhymes with the other words in the same line. An example would be “Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,”. The words “dreary” and “weary” are in the same line and rhymes together. Another literary device that you could find in the first stanza is “repetition” , such as the line that reads “As of someone gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.” Repetition is the repeating of words in a line more than once. There is also “end rhymes’, such as “door’ rhyming with …show more content…

Here, it’s easier to spot which initial letter is repeating. In this case, it’s the letter “F” and the word “uttered. In the twelfth stanza, there is another example of alliteration found in the fourth line, which is “Followed fast and followed faster till his songs one burden bore-” There is also repetition in this line since the word “followed” is used more than once in one line. I noticed that the letter “F’ is used a lot for alliteration and repetition in this poem. The fourth line in the next stanza also have repetition. “Fancy unto fancy, thinking what this ominous bird of yore-” The word “fancy” is used repeatedly in this line.
According to “The Raven” by Edgar Allan Poe, the most used literary device or literary technique that I have found throughout the poem was alliteration, repetition, internal rhymes, and end rhymes. Based on what I read, there will be at least one end rhyme in each stanza. All of the second lines, fourth lines, fifth lines, and sixth lines rhyme together. There will occasionally be internal rhymes found in the first lines of almost each stanza. Repetition is mostly found in the fourth lines of almost all of the stanzas and Alliteration is mostly found in the third

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