
The Rational Choice and Biological Trait Theories Essay

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Criminals have been committing crimes for centuries, and they are always fooling the police detectives and federal agencies sometimes. If the justice departments would actually look at the persons thought processes and reasoning before a crime is committed, the justice departments will be able to answer the reason for the crime. The different departments could possibly figure out why the criminal did what they did in the first. For instance, they should use a couple of criminology theories to help them with certain cases that are more difficult than the rest. The theories that the justice departments should use in their systems are the rational choice and biological theories of criminology.
The rational choice theory comes from the …show more content…

For instance, a criminal may find it easier to commit a robbery than commit a burglary and the criminal will stay away from the burglaries due to the consequences that come because of the crime. Rational choice theory can be more behavioral than anything because of the amount of behaviors that are associated in determining whether to commit certain crimes or not (Siegel, 2011). All criminals that use the rational choice theory before they commit their certain crimes does not always understand how to weigh the costs and benefits of certain acts. There will always be some kind of calculation before a rational crime occurs. For example, before a robbery takes place the criminals must first choose the location, place and time that they would like to have for a certain robbery crime. The criminals involved in this certain robbery will weigh the costs and benefits of the crime and then think about the whole situation itself. When the criminals have finished with their strategy plans they will have a final thought about the punishment for committing such a crime and look at the benefits to see if this is the crime they would really like to try (Siegel, 2011) Rational choice theory involves personal factors or gains that the criminals will use with their motivation towards committing certain criminal

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