
The Rate Of Cesarean Deliveries

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The rate of cesarean deliveries (CD) has risen 48% in the United States since 1996. In the US, the total percentage of women who deliver their babies via cesarean section is 32.7%, which is more than double what the World Health Organization recommends. WHO suggests that 10% to15% is medically necessary (Almendrala, 2015). There is a large variance of cesarean rates among ethnic groups, and studying these communities can possibly help us identify the reasons for these discrepancies. Nationally, Native Americans have a low percentage of cesarean sections (Leeman, 2003). In Oklahoma, 34.3% of Native American women have Cesarean deliveries. The number of CDs by Native American women specifically in Oklahoma County is slightly less than the …show more content…

These diseases are more common in affluent, Western countries, and are also seen in immigrants to these countries. According to the hygiene hypothesis, many childhood diseases can be attributed to too clean of an environment. (Neu, 2011). The human body is made up of 100 trillion cells. There are 10 times this many intestinal microorganisms. Estimations project that there are 100 times as many genes in aggregate of intestinal flora than there are in the human genome. These bacteria are basically like a vital organ when considering their metabolic function. Gut bacteria promote the intestinal mucosal immune system. Microorganisms and humans have developed a co-dependence. Microorganisms react to the drastically changing environment with increased inflammatory responses such as psychological stress, inappropriate diet (specifically the exponential increase of processed food), toxins, and cesarean delivery. The extent of chronic inflammatory disorders is potentially far larger than previously assumed including allergies, inflammatory bowel disease, autoimmunity, vascular disease, depression, anxiety, cancer, and possibly type 2 diabetes and neurodegenerative disorders. Children delivered by CD have a much higher chance to have celiac disease and gastroenteritis. Gut bacteria police their environment with toll-like receptors and pattern recognition. Gut flora influences oral

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