
The Question Of The Australian Identity Essay

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The question of the Australian identity is a subject of a broad range of debates in the contemporary society. The subject is made complex by the existence of various myths, models, and stereotypes concerning the actual identity of the Australians. Specifically, it has been negatively caricatured using racial, hostile, and homophobic connotations in arts, politics, and reality programs among other aspects. Ideally, there is no “real” Australian identity but, a multicultural society built on shared values and experiences. Although there are several cultural stereotypes, myths, and models advanced to explain the nature of the Australian identity, just like other countries, these national myths may or may not have any resemblance to reality. In this project, the Australian identity is assessed from the myths of larrikins, mateship and same-sex marriage.

Australia has never had a definable national identity prescribed by institutions or politicians; rather, most of the identities are tied to folklores and models (Hogue 2005). For over 150 years during colonization, Australia was widely identified as a British nation. Additionally, the Australian residents did not have valid citizenship until 1948. Before that period, all people born within the country were regarded as British citizens and were expected to uphold their values. At one time, authors described the residents as anonymous, nothing-men, and featureless. However, Australia had always had underlying national identities

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