
The Purpose Of Public Education

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Public education has many purposes in contemporary society. One purpose should be to teach kids basic skills that they need throughout life; this includes basic math, reading, writing. Along with this on a broader level I believe that schools should teach children to have a growth mindset. A growth mindset is important for everyone to have throughout life as it will allow them to be more open to new experiences and it will teach them to question what they are told. The ability to question the status quo is what allows people to express themselves and their ideas, it prevents people from being oppressed. Finally I believe that public education should teach kids to be excited about learning. Kids should not dread going to school, instead it should be a positive experience and kids should understand that learning happens throughout life and does not stop after K-12 education. To instill a love for learning is to ensure that children become lifelong learners. Public schools in the US today have strikingly different purposes than these but I believe that if these were to become our purposes then we would have a more educated and more aware society. These purposes are important to students, families, and societies in multiple ways. They are important to students because it helps them grow as individuals. With a growth mindset they are able to think more critically of different situations and they are able to continue to be learners. Without this they would stay in the same

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