
The Purpose Of National Security

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In the name of national security you are protected, watched, analysed, invaded, but protected. With government protection comes sacrifice, of which many are willing to comply. But to what unknown extent have we granted them to intrude into our lives? In 2011 two planes blew up the twin towers, causing one of the worst terrorist attacks America had ever seen. After the attack, our national security increased immensely, with over 130 pieces of security legislation having been passed within that year proceeding, and many new agencies being created for the sole purpose of National Security. Although an increase in security is positive, it decreases our right to privacy. A balance between privacy and security must be made, for the government is …show more content…

Whether using a search engine, watching an online video, creating content on a social network, receiving an email, or playing an interactive video game, people are being digitally shadowed online. This data is combined with the time, length and frequency of visits and recorded by the providers. These abilities are being utilized by different companies, and by law, are required to give this information to the government if they require it. With an increase of reliability from society of technology, it is unreasonable that we are not given a choice when accessing said necessity. That we should be forced to give up any information in an unnegotiated trade of a provided necessity for private information. One of the many pieces of legislation that allowed for this expansion of control after 9-11 was the Patriot act. the Patriot act allows federal agents to follow sophisticated terrorists trained to evade detection and allows law enforcement to conduct investigations without tipping off terrorists. Although this is positive, it gives them more free rein in invasion of privacy, a sacrifice of privacy for security. For instance, the Patriot act allows “Federal agents to use "roving wiretaps" to investigate ordinary crimes, including drug offenses and racketeering. A roving wiretap can be authorized by a federal judge to apply to a particular suspect, rather than a particular phone or communications device.” This allows the government to track any communications possibly related to the suspect, even innocent bystanders. The Patriot act also allows federal agents to freely gather a citizen's library habits. The government states it is because most terrorist plan their attacks in a library, and that they can not become “safe havens” for terrorists. The Patriot act blantly allows for an increase of invasion of privacy. Some files released by Snowden show that

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