
The Protestant Reformation And The Protestant Reformation

Decent Essays

Both the Protestant Reformation as well as the Inquisition made immense impacts on the religious society of western civilizations in Europe during 16th century. Both of the very important movements changed the regular Roman Catholic churches forever. The Protestant Reformation was a movement when groups of people left the Roman Catholic church in hope for a change. This schism was run by Martin Luther and other protestant reformers during the 1500’s and 1600’s. Another movement that changed the Catholic church forever is the Inquisition, which lasted roughly 700 years. The Inquisition was a time of punishing heretics, or people who were guilty of heresy. Historians can agree that Christians were growing impatient with the Roman Catholic church and wanted change from within the religion. Citizens of the time did not agree with many of the actions of the church and found them absurd. Many reformers of the time saw that priests neglected their duties of the church, and took their power to another level. Popes and members of the clergy lived very expensive life styles, and the church would have very ornate and elaborate paintings which would cost a fortune. To pay for these fees, the church increased the prices of marriages and baptisms and promoted indulgences, which was a payment demolishing your sins granting people “Tickets to Heaven”. The official spark of the Protestant Revolution was when Martin Luther plastered his 95 Thesis on the door of the Roman

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