
The Pros And Cons Of Western Christianity

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When people close their eyes and try to picturize Jesus, generally a singular image comes to mind. A godly figure with blonde hair, blue eyes, and pale skin. This image is similar to what is seen in many popular Western paintings in museums like the 16th-century painting, Christ Among the Doctors by artist Albrecht Durrer. In this painting the fair skinned Jesus looks celestial and divine amongst the dark, sinister Jewish scholars. But what all of these famous pieces of art have in common is that they fail to portray who Jesus truly was: a practicing Jewish man from Nazareth, Israel. As Jesus was a Jew from Israel, historically it would be impossible for him to look like his fair-skinned Northern European devotees. Although the Bible and many …show more content…

Due to colonialism, Christianity has spread across the world in many different cities and cultures amongst many different types of people of all different skin tones. Many of them are not caucasian and thus have issues connecting to a religion in which one of the main icons does not look like them. Many have solved this problem in different ways. Some Christians around the world simply change Jesus’s skin tone to match their own creating African Jesus or Hispanic Jesus. However many have felt the need to change themselves and become more Westernized in order to fit into the religion. Western Christianity developed during the Industrial revolution, Enlightenment, and modernity so many of its followers have had to adapt to that. For example when Christianity hit Africa, many Africans felt the need to change their names so they have more Westernized, “Christian” names. In addition they have started to dress in Westernized clothing and listen to Westernized music, the churches have even had to be built in a Western architecture style. This then leads to the loss of indigenous culture and while some have been happy to convert to this style of living, it just does not seem to be plausible to others. To battle this, many Africans have tried thinking of Jesus in their own context of life. To Africans, Jesus reveals himself in the context of kinship and marriage, the challenge of sickness and death, poverty, …show more content…

Judaism and Islam in particular practice aniconism, the custom in which there are no physical depictions of their God or entities relating to God. There are also no physical descriptions of how they look in religious texts either. This makes it very easy for people around the world practice the religion and feel included. Since there is no physical depiction, every devotee is free to contextualize the religion in any way relating it to themselves. However that is not the only option. Some religions like Hinduism have gods that are depicted in colors that do not pertain to any particular race. Although Hinduism is widely popular in India, the physical depictions do not only pertain to Indians. Many pieces of Hindu art displays gods like Krishna or Vishnu as blue gods. The god Hanuman is also sometimes depicted to be a red god in popular forms of Hindu art and in many sculptures. Unlike these religions, since physical depictions of Christian art do not adhere to all people of all skin tones, many people may leave the Christian Church. Since one of the main goals of the Christian Church is to expand the religion and recruit new followers, this can be an issue if many people around the world cannot identify with their own religion. Thus in order to keep expanding the Church and staying true to Christ’s mission, the Church must either educate its followers

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