
The Pros And Cons Of Vaccinations

Good Essays

In the past, Americans did not have much say in their own health care. In today’s time, with the advent of new health-care bills and peaked interest in personal well being, Americans are now anxious to determine for themselves what they need to maintain their own and their loved ones’ health. However, there are still government-regulated requirements for people of all ages in regards to keeping the general public healthy. Vaccinations have always been a topic of contention in regards to younger children, but have been a staple of health for older adults. In fact, college requirements for vaccinations are mandatory, and failure to get the proper vaccines before college starts could result in holds on college students’ accounts or delays in …show more content…

The growth of health care activities since then has truly encouraged patients to reach for information outside the confines of patient and physician interaction. Revolutionary new technology such as cell phones and computers, as well as the development of the Internet and social media sites, has served as where a vast majority of the public finds current knowledge for their problems. Nonetheless, due to the new social media sites spreading and intensifying the already established decades of perceived negative health effects and widespread misinformation, the overall conversation regarding the issue has only continued to grow, and vaccines are still scrutinized greatly within public contention. With these new social media sites, a new kind of panic has grown, as Mark Largent, a professor at Michigan State University, addresses these issues in his novel, “Keep Out of Reach of Children.” He recognizes in his work that a part of the main arguments against vaccines are due to religious or philosophical reasons, or that they are unsafe. Parents argue that vaccines could potentially cause autism, other health defects, and could lead to the harm for their children (Navin). However, he quickly rejects the idea and

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