
The Pros And Cons Of Total War

Decent Essays

Almost 70 years has being passed since the last world war was declared its end. These days, it is said that if the third world war is occurred in the current world, it should be a total warfare with nuclear weapons (Gunn, 2004:70). In general the World War II (WWII) is often considered as a case of total war; now, there can be a question about the existence of total war in the world history. The essay is going to discuss the statement, the WWII is a complete example of total war, with referring to definitions of total war and a comparison between the WWI and WWII. Basically according to the oxford dictionary, there are several elements which link to total war, which are unrestricted weapons used, territory or combatants involved, objective …show more content…

By the way of beginning, he showed the idea of total war offered by Roger Chickering in total war: the German and American Experiencs, 1871-1914 (cited in Gunn 2004). In Roger’s concept of total war, there are significant tips such as unprecedented intensity and extent of, the scale of battle, the fight without notice of morality, customs, or international law, of the mobilisation not only of armed combatants but also of whole population. As the most significant one is the widespread, indiscriminate, and deliberate inclusion of non-combatants as legitimate military targets. Gunn (2004:66) added that in total war, civilians are considered as acceptable targets of attack due to their effort for a nation’s ability to wage …show more content…

On these two points, Gunn (2004) strongly suggested that the WWII was surely a total war without any pieces of morality human beings should have. This is a reason that civilians without any means of fights are considered as acceptable armies’ target due to the efforts by citizens for their national ability to wage war (Gunn, 2004:66). What can be the most important tip here is a distinction from the sentence, involving all of the people to encourage their national ability to wage the war. This is because that the idea is not able to define the WWII only as a total war; in other word, it also fits for the situation of the WWI. Especially at the time of WWI in the Britain, tons of women was sent to factories that manufactured military planes and atomic bombs instead of male labours sent to battlefields (Marwick, 1968). Furthermore, even in other countries during both WWI and II, young children and women were actively encouraged to support their nation as not only manufactory workers but also nursing staffs who would be dispatched toward actual battle-ground. Even there is an exceptional example, Japanese law of total war in 1925. The difference between WWI and II, which should be focused on, is that non-resisting citizens, towns or cities not defended were not basically considered as targets of

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