
The Pros And Cons Of The SAT

Decent Essays

The SAT is a standardized test that is widely used for admissions to Universities in the United States. Introduced in 1926, its scoring and form have changed several times; it can also be referred to as the Scholastic Aptitude Test. A similar test to this is the interchangeable ACT, which stands for American College Testing, this although contains Science with the standard English and Math. These tests both promise to test your intelligence levels and chances of college readiness. They are tools that can make or break your chances at getting accepted into your dream college.

The SAT is administered to everyone the same way. You sign up for the test at a school that is different from yours and are seated in a room from about thirteen to 25 …show more content…

This is where it becomes completely unfair to the disadvantaged people who receive great grades in school but tend to not do as well on the test itself. Gardener’s multiple intelligence theory is broken down into eight different bits of intelligence: musical-rhythmic, visual-spatial, verbal-linguistic, logical-mathematical, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalistic. The standardized tests that are used for college readiness only really measure logical-mathematics. This can be a complete disadvantage to people who are great in other bits of intelligence but sometimes lack the skill of excelling the traditional math and English subjects. SAT scores are pretty much meaningless after you are in college. The only help they really do is contribute to help get someone into college and pursue their dreams. You pretty much only struggle with it your Junior year of high school and then have the Senior year and the rest of college to work on your academics, not determining whether you’re good at the math problems that are on section 3 of your SAT prep book. People should not feel that others who are better at math or better at English have an advantage to them in life. Everyone has their own intelligence and that makes

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