
The Pros And Cons Of The Death Penalty

Decent Essays

Get Rid Of It Ending another human’s life is a very touchy and hard concept to grasp. At times it may seem like it is appropriate but I do not agree. Supporters believe that this punishment is discouraging for other criminals. My personal stance on the death penalty is that it is a worthless and an antiquated sentence. First, lets discuss the argument that believers of the death penalty posses. Pro death penalty warriors will bring up the point that it is credible for keeping crimes of the same caliber from taking place. If you take a look at a variety of other countries you will find that this is not true as many countries with no death penalty have much lower murder and crime rates. In fact “eighty-eight percent of the country’s top criminologists do not believe the death penalty acts as a deterrent to homicide, according to a new study published in the Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology” (Facts about Deterrence and the Death Penalty). The next point of emphasis that is apparent is money. Everyone loves to talk about money. Pro death penalty connoisseurs argue the fact that we are spending thousands of dollars to house these horrific inmates. They say that killing the inmates saves hardworking taxpayers money and this is a true statement. The flip side that I would like to acknowledge is we could save much more money if we demolish the death penalty. How would this work? In the state of Kansas roughly five hundred thousand more dollars is spent on cases that seek the death penalty than cases that do not. It costs taxpayers thousands more of money when a person is convicted and sentenced to death because of the intense care that they are required to be in. Studies have been made and came to the conclusion that it costs more to administer the death penalty than it does to imprison someone for life (Saving lives and money). One last point that I would like to address is the argument that the death penalty gives closure and justice to the victim’s families. Can’t disagree with this and I understand where the families are coming from but if put in that position I would feel much better if the perpetrator had to sit in prison for the rest of their life. The death

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