
Technology Addiction Research Paper

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We live in a new world, a world that is constantly changing. We are forever adapting to all these changes that occur in all the different areas of our life. Technology is by far the area that is influences people most. and most constantly changing. The meaning of technology according to Webster Dictionary is: “The use of ever-changing science in industry, engineering, etc., to invent useful things or to solve ever-occurring problems.” Technology is always advancing, this means that technology is being used to complete more tasks; leaving the long and tedious process behind.
Today, we are surrounded by computers, and technology addiction has become a real problem. It was predicted in 2000 that technology would become a common addiction. In those …show more content…

They are helpful inventions that make tasks and work easier, quicker, less tedious, and they can also improve the quality of the job. People use electronic devices all the time for a number of things; things that would otherwise be more difficult and time-consuming. Some of these people use devices all the time without break, and others that moderate their time. There is no problem with using tech all the time, the problem occurs when you can’t stop using it. The addiction becomes real when we can’t go a day without using any electronic device. We start using electronic devices almost 24/7; we don’t talk to the person in front of us because we are caught up on our phone.
Some say that technology addiction is not real, others say that it is real but it is not a real threat. I believe that technology addiction is real and is a very big threat. There people that are addicted to tech, they spend hours on their computer a day. They say, “I’m not addicted to my computer; I can go days without using it; I can stop using it whenever I want.” That is exactly what drug addicts say, they say they can stop whenever they want when the truth is that technology is just as addictive as drugs. They have become hooked on the addictive drug of

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