
The Pros And Cons Of Stereotyping

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It is basic human nature to put people into categories. Stereotypes are defined as an oversimplified assumption of a type of person or thing. Types of stereotypes can be race, gender, religion, and many others. Stereotypes are not supported by reasonable facts and are very harmful on a person’s personal judgement on themselves so much that they come to believe that those stereotypes about themselves are factual. Stereotypes are harmful both physically and mentally because gender stereotypes are dangerous to one's mental health, religious stereotypes are dangerous to one’s safety, and racial stereotypes are harmful to one’s self-image. Perceptions of groups are hard to change after they form that perception and can affect sports, the workplace, and the world as a whole. Employees who suffer from comments, gestures, and criticism that are powered by stereotypes often can lose motivation to complete tasks and interest in their work.Whether stereotypes are meant to be perceived as good or bad thing they can still be very harmful and have an impact on our behavior. Racial stereotypes are images that we hold about all members of a racial group. Instead of focusing on individuals and their differences we classify as a group. “Black people are all thugs and criminals” is a terrible but true form of racial stereotyping. Many times racial remarks are intended as a joke but depending on the individual that perceives the remark determines on how harmful and how much self-damage it can

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