
The Pros And Cons Of Robots

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Robots or no robots, this is the question. Robots are useful and desirable, because the can free us, humans, from many boring, repetitive, and easy tasks, and they can take care of us all 24/7, and at a very low cost as well; but at the same time the widespread of robots raises the question of whose jobs robots will overtake and where these people that nowadays are performing the boring, repetitive, easy tasks are going to work. Given the fact that technology advances at a constantly accelerated speed, this question seems more relevant than ever. But is it so? It is a fact that every time a new and disruptive technology has been introduced, jobs have been lost, but somehow that new technology has compensated the loss of jobs by creating new expectancies and new needs, that have generated new jobs. For instance, with the introduction of the printing press in Europe in the middle of the 15th century, manual copyists lost their way of living: a small company of three-four individual could produce in one month as many copies of one book as the same number of copyists could produce in several years. But with the printing press books became much more affordable for the (urban) middle classes and leisure reading became a relatively normal activity, and with that literacy, and literacy demanded a higher number of schoolteachers. Actually, many former copyists reinvented themselves as schoolteachers. Another example is the agricultural revolution started in the 18th century. The

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