
The Pros And Cons Of Robots

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It is the year 2560 and the Robot population has increased at a significant rate. They aren’t taking over quite yet, but they’re scarce and rapidly populating the Earth. These robots are extremely advanced and smart. They used to look exactly how humans do so you could’ve easily get your best friend confused with one; that is before they started disassembling. Ever since the early 2000s Robots have advanced, looking more and more like humans. However it wasn’t until the 2500’s where Robots started functioning as humans and taking our jobs. A large percentage of the human population in New York lost their jobs to robots and went into a huge depression. Humans were afraid of going up against Robots because they didn’t know what robots were capable of. However they soon came up with a conclusion to help one another. *clink* There goes another one of Dr. RobotSmith parts. He signs in pain and discomfort as he picks up the metal part and tries to attach it to himself again. He has been losing metal body parts for a while signifying that his body is dying and rusting. Since he has many metal parts, they start to rust our every few years if not taken proper care of by humans. The metal parts include the heart, liver, and all the other important body functioning parts that as a human, you would need to survive. RobotSmith will soon hit his 15 year expiration mark, meaning that he will soon need to update his technological mind system so that he can do daily tasks. He has

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