I am writing this letter to congratulate you for taking an interest and pursuing football! I hear one of the positions you play is on the kickoff and receiving teams. I remember the days when I too played football. Although I am glad that you are playing football, I must warn you of the potential risks there are while participating in such a physical sport. In fact, the reason I stopped was a result of injury, more specifically a concussion. Since then, nothing has been the same. I used to feel invincible in the bulky pads and helmets we wore, as I am sure you do, but that might not always protect you enough. Concussions are becoming a growing problem in football, both professional and amateur, but we might be able to prevent them by taking certain precautionary measures.
One game, after the opposing team had just scored, my team setup for receiving the kickoff. The kickoff was an interesting part of the game. The sole purpose of the players when receiving is to block the other team, and the other teams goal is to tackle the player with the ball. What I learned early on is that some people wanted to just hit someone as hard as they could even if they did not have the ball, because they knew that the referees would most likely not call a penalty on them. Men
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We tend to think nothing bad will ever happen to us until all the sudden it happens to you. Having a brain injury is no laughing matter, these types of injury can stick with you for the rest of your life, and often lead to symptoms of cognitive impairment, depression, and much more. Some choose to ignore the fact that football is a physically dangerous sport, and as a result, more players continue receiving injuries that will haunt them for life. Certainly, you could argue that football is not as dangerous as I am making it out to be, but more and more studies, with extremely small sample sizes, are proving
It has been found that the average high school football player receives somewhere near 650 hits to the head each season (Tyler). Imagine the impact this has on the brain. Then imagine how much worse the impact must be when getting hit by highly trained, full grown men. The NFL for the longest time would have liked us to think differently. “According to the doctors in the NFL’s employ, playing a game involving violent, head first collisions had no connection to future brain injuries,” reports “The Progressive” in their article “High Price of Concussions”. Finally, in 2009, “(the National Football League) acknowledged publicly for the first time that concussions suffered while playing football
This article portrays how playing football can cause negative long term effects on your body. Frontline reported on numbers from the Department of Veterans Affairs and Boston University, where researchers studied the brains of 165 people who played football at the high school, college, or professional level. They found evidence of CTE in 131 of them—79 percent. Of the brains studied, 91 of them belonged to former NFL players, and 87 of those 91 (96 percent) had signs of CTE. In an attempt to further reduce concussions some teams are considering adopting a tackling style similar to that of rugby, where players
Herm Edwards former football player and coach told SB nation, "If you're injured, you can't play. Hurt? The only guys who don't hurt in football are the ones who don't play,” (Bien). Although Herm Edwards does make a good point, there is a major difference between getting some bruises and permanent brain damage. Football players will not protect brains but a better protocol will. The protocol should reduce the risk of brain damage (Kilgore). Concussions have enough of an impact that they can affect someone long term. It is evident that this is something that in the future a former athlete would regret. Protocol needs to be enforced and more strict if there is any hope of saving these football players from doing something they might
A great majority of kids and adults football careers are ending shortly because of brain damage and concussions. To this day scientist and people in sports are trying to find a way to decrease the number of brain damage and concussions. There been so many head injuries in the game of football. It got real serious over the past 20 years. In the NFL and College football league, players and coaches can know if someone have a concussion because of the technology they have at the game. It’s mandatory for every team in college, and in the NFL to have doctors and the technology they have at each game they have.
The lack of knowledge that the majority of athletes enter the league with causes experts on the NFL’s policies to believe that the front office does not see the injury as a serious problem in the game today. “With the subsequent deaths of several relatively young retired NFL players, the autopsies of their brains, and the newly minted diagnosis chronic traumatic encephalopathy, we know the problem is real” (Carroll). This quotation intensifies the emphasis on the true problem the National Football League seems to be avoiding. Every injury, no matter how small or seemingly unimportant, needs to be addressed. “Even the only game that matters doesn't matter as much as your brain” (Flynn). There is nothing wrong with a person participating in the sport he loves, but when a blow to the head occurs, quick and efficient action must be taken to address the situation at hand. The National Football League and its policies do not suffice in relation to this area of concern. The fact of the matter is that no game, activity, or sport is worth a person’s
Arthur Dimmesdale in the Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne is one of the most quickly judged characters. Many readers originally dislike the man who Hester cheated on her husband with. Questions arise from his absence in the beginning of the book of why he did not reveal himself or help Hester escape from Salem. When Arthur Dimmesdale is revealed as the man Hester had an affair with, readers may judge him as an evil man. As the book speaks about Arthur’s experience, Hawthorne makes his story so tragic that readers may pity Dimmesdale instead of hating him, based on the evidence that Dimmesdale is physically affected by his sin, how he is being tortured by Hester’s ex-husband, and how he wants to confess but is unable to.
Head injuries in football can lead to finished careers because of injuries such as; brain damage, concussions, and other major head traumas.Some retired players want to sue the NFL because they claim that coaches were aware of concussions that turned into dementia.Certain types of brain damage can cause mood swings, and some times permanent mental damage. Almost all football players end up with some type of brain damage.
“The overall injury rate in NCAA football is 8.1 injuries per 1,000 athlete exposures. There were more than 41,000 injuries and 25 million athlete exposures.” There are more than twice the injuries in football than there are in basketball. This will continue to rise if the NFL, NCAA, and all schools around the world don’t take initiative to protect their players. Many people believe that football should be readjusted to where injuries are no more. However, injuries will happen no matter how protected the player is, which is why some people want the sport to be banned for good. In the article “The 5 most dangerous sports for boys”, Lauren Shanley states, “It’s estimated that every year, doctors treat 389,000 musculoskeletal injuries in players ages five to
18% of people in the U.S. have stopped watching football in two years when the original percent was 58%. Even though sports do have physical benefits, children or middle-aged people shouldn’t play games that include your head having the chance of getting hit. There are so many risks that a very capable of happening because of what you could lose altogether. You can have a concussion that can cause deadly diseases such as CTE, a concussion has negative effects on a child's education if not treated properly, and concussions can vary depending on which league they’re in. Brain diseases have taken their toll on players especially football players.
Obviously, football is a very physical sport with tackling, blocking and hitting, with that comes many types of injuries. Torn ligaments, broken bones, concussions and even death are all a possibility. The biggest fear I have though are concussions. Concussions are a brain injury when the brain gets bruised from a hit to the head. As a defensive tackle, I hit and get hit every play in the game that adds up after awhile I have had two concussions in my life, both from football. According to Kelly G. Kilcoyne, MD, “concussion rates in college and junior football programs have doubled in recent years.” This comes as no surprise to me because today's football players in college and junior programs are bigger, stronger and faster. With the increase
Concussions in football have always been a problem. Recently the NFL is doing more to protect players from this serious head injury. a couple of moves made by the NFL to prevent concussions is that they moved the kickoff line up 5 yards resulting in a higher chance of a touchback. Another move to prevent concussions is that players are getting fined for illegal tackles that occur. The NFL is doing more to protect players because they realize concussions can have serious effects later in life like losing the ability to remember things. According to Nadia Kounang “NFL football players are 3 times more likely to have a neurodegenerative disease compared to the average population”. Examples of these diseases are Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. The target population is football players who have received concussions in their playing days. Many of these head injuries were caused by players who wanted to excite the crowd with a big hit knowing a lot of the fans were just there to see violence and that the player would become more popular to those
The consequence of a concussion will generate health issues. “I found myself receiving e-mail after e-mail from people presumably motivated by by keyword searches for ‘football, concussion, trauma, disease.’ Every new study drawing a correlation between head injuries and post career brain disease and would find its way to my inbox, almost daily.” (Fujita 3) As shown in the quote, the word football has a connection with trauma, disease, and concussion. Such a “fun” sport should not be associated with words that define health issues. At a very young age, children have the need and want to play football and be a player and will do
Football is a rough sport. Many fans of the game watch it for the hard hits. These hard hits and the potential for injury is part of what makes the game so exciting. Some people say that football is too brutal and should be banned. Parents all over the United States don’t allow their children to play because of the risk of head injuries. Others allow their sons, and every now and then their daughters, to play and risk injury for a chance to earn a college scholarship and for a small percentage of players, the chance to play in the National Football League (NFL).
Drug therapy implies the treatment and prevention of CVDs and involves a variety of broadly acting classes of drugs. Here, we provided a brief description of a select number of commonly used drugs that are used in the treatment of CVDs. Anticoagulants, blood thinners such as heparin, decrease the clotting ability of blood. Although, anticoagulants may prevent clotting, they do not dissolve existing blood clots. Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors dilate blood vessels and thereby decreases vascular resistance, which allows blood to flow more easily and relieves effort on the heart. These drugs can effectively be used to treat conditions such as high blood pressure and heart failure. Angiotensin-2 Receptor Antagonists (ARBs ) equilibrate heart and blood vessels and prevent an increase in blood pressure. In addition, ARBs are also used to treat high blood
In the face of a government rampant with injustices, Henry David Thoreau refused to support an unjust war and was forced into prison. Over one hundred years later, Martin Luther King Jr. rebelled against the very same government, which was now stripping African Americans of their rights, and was also thrown in jail. Both men learned immensely about themselves during this time in prison and were inspired to push harder against oppression. Although in drastically different situations, Thoreau and King implemented the same forms of protest and supported very similar ideas. Had Thoreau been alive during the Civil Rights Movement, he would have advised King on the importance of a moral law that is higher than civil government and that individuals must decide this moral law and work towards it.