
The Pros And Cons Of Policing

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There is no doubt that policing is a stressful career, the whole purpose of law enforcement is to serve and protect the public and that can put a lot of pressure on a police officer because they’re the people who are called first when tragedies happen and the community reply’s strongly on the police to make the neighborhoods that they live in a safer place. Policing is a stressful career because of the tragedies that officers see when they are on the job responding to a call, which can also be a very traumatizing depending on what the situation was, as well as the high demand that comes with the profession. Stress has a physical, mental, and emotional influence on an individual, which causes mental and bodily pressure. In the article “ Canadian …show more content…

Police officers aren’t called to someone’s house for them to join them for a cup of coffee, they’re called because someone is hurt, or something has gone terribly wrong. Officers respond to a call not knowing what had happened, as well as not knowing what their next course of actions are going to be because they do not know what they are about to walk in on. Going into a call they have to be quick on their feet and make an important split second decision, which can also be a life or death-threatening situation. When someone gets into a car accident or someone robs a bank the first thing witnesses and/or the victim’s do is call the police, the police are within the community’s to protect its citizens. “Officers are stressed out and stretched thin like never before- facing long hours, constantly changing shifts, understaffing, more complex caseloads and a lack of career-development opportunities, as well as growing family pressure at home.” (Quan, 2012). Police work is not an ideal job for most people because of the extreme situations police officers find themselves in. Although a lot of the times police officers are doing paper work when they do get the call that there is an emergency they could find themselves in a very dangerous situation, which could lead to multiple different outcomes based on the officers actions. Being the front man to every bad situation can be very nerve-wracking on a …show more content…

In those kinds of situations that kind of stress affects police officers job performance and there own personal lives in a way where they are unable to focus because of the lack of sleep that they get and since they are working longer hours and they receive a lot more case loads that results to bringing their work at home which will affect their personal lives. Being that policing is such a high demand job it is hard for a police officer to give it his all when he is on duty when he/she are not rested. It makes any job a lot harder to do if you do not get the proper sleep the night before. Although working overtime means that you are making more money it doesn’t necessarily pay out when you are mentally and physically exhausted. “They don’t want more money, they want a life” (Quan, 2012), with working long hours and rotating through different schedules it could really have a negative effect on your body which would cause exhaustion and quiet possibly problems at

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