
Arguments For Military Funds

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The military is responsible for protecting an entire world of people, not just the United States as some like to believe. People, especially Americans, tend to criticize these responsibilities, yet the military is still fighting for every single one of their freedoms and democracy. Negative reports of the few individuals in the military cause the entire military to seem untrustworthy and unreliable, which is part of the reason that the military doesn’t get the funds it needs to be able to support itself or the roles that those in the military play. The people definitely do not support the military as much as they should, especially for what the men and women of this country are risking their lives for every single day just to make sure that …show more content…

The military also keeps decreasing in size and is much weaker with the special three percent of the population that are willing to risk their lives every single day to protect others ability to sleep safely in their beds at night. Salmon continues to argue that the United States is not getting the necessary funds that it needs to operate properly and compensate and care for those that protect the freedoms of Democracy. Another argument that Salmon makes is, “Second, the state of the U.S. military continues to degrade due to recent spending decisions. The several years of uncertainty in the defense budget, the prioritized cuts, and the magnitude and pace of the reductions have led to a weaker and smaller force today” (Salmon). Salmon argues that military funds are decreasing because of the budget cuts made by the United States. The reason why the military is at such a low three percent, low on equipment, and short funded is because the American people don’t support it, they feel that it’s not as useful as its “glamorized” to be. If people felt the same way about the military as they did back in the World War eras then the military system would be much stronger than it is today. Without the military there won’t be any peace or order because no one will be able to establish a system and no one will listen, along with things getting out of

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