
The Pros And Cons Of Immigrants In Canada

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Recent years, immigration policies have changed becoming more selective allowing entry to those who meet the skill and educational credentials. The restrictive policies have created a population of recent immigrants that are highly skilled and educated. A large proportion, approximately one-half of the working-age immigrants have a university-level qualification. From 1991 to present day, the growth in the number of immigrants with at least a bachelor’s degree was comparable to the rise in the level of education among native-born Canadian. Despite the educational advantage among them, earning gap between immigrants and Canadian born persist in today’s society. University degree and work experience from outside of North America tend to be undervalued, placing these people at a disadvantage in the job market. The effect is evident in the difference in employment opportunity and income. immigrants who possess a university degree earn a …show more content…

Many are also graduates from a high in demand occupational fields such as applied science, computer science, and health sciences. However, a large proportion is over-represented in jobs that require low educational requirements. These people often find and remain in work known as “survival jobs” with minimum wage, no benefits, and work stability. These include jobs such as security guards, gas station helpers, cashiers and customer service representative. In the past twenty years, the count of skilled and highly educated immigrants in these low-income jobs have been steadily rising from 26% to 28%. Within this group, South Asian and Southeast Asian males are the largest groups representing 38% and 42%. In contrast to native-born Canadians who also have a specialized degree, immigrants representation in low educational occupations is relatively higher, while recent immigrants are considerably

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