
The Pros And Cons Of Gun Control

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When taught about guns they are said to be extremely deadly, and when used should be used with absolute caution. But nowadays it seems normal for people to carry weapons and in fact now as of January 1st citizens will be able to carry these deadly weapons openly in the state of Texas. If you currently have your license to carry a concealed weapon you will be allowed to carry guns everywhere And anywhere. Yes, people have rights, but there should be stricter laws around when it deals with dangerous situations like carrying a concealed weapon. There are already rules for carrying concealed weapons, and guidelines before you receive a license. For example, you have to be 21, not have any felony charges, cannot have a psychological disorder, have to be a resident of Texas, …show more content…

Whether they showed tendencies before or not, this should be performed every one or two years to see if they are capable of handling a deadly weapon in public. Should the person taking the test show one of the tendencies, their license should be stripped and a warning placed. The government doesn’t have a right to take away peoples guns but they can take away a license. If the people are caught using this weapon openly, in public, they should be prosecuted. The carriers of the weapons should be responsible and be ready to take responsibility for actions they can inflict with this weapon. This may seem extreme, but these tests could rule out people that have the chance of using a gun for the wrong reasons. This could prevent many attacks and it could also help the people that may be inclined. Research has proved that mental illness is not the sole cause but is littered around the brains of people who commit this shootings. I’m not unaware that some of people committing these crimes are perfectly “normal”. People can be as deadly as these weapons sometimes. I am not saying that only

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