
The Pros And Cons Of Genetic Manipulation

Decent Essays

Should we manipulate genes? From the dawn of man, new discoveries and scientific advancements are made every day. It can be anything, from something small like diagnosing a disease or curing a house plant of a pathogen, to the unimaginable things only thought to be possible in science fiction stories, such as altering human DNA to create super soldiers and creating new species entirely. People would be filled with astonishment over these concepts. However, as time goes on, scientific fictions tend to become scientific facts. Genetic manipulation, sometimes referred to as genetic engineering or genetic enhancement, is one of these fictions that have become a reality for scientists. Although some would claim scientists have …show more content…

These advances have only been attainable through a considerable amount research and experimentation. Technological advances have impacted the productivity of researching and altering the structure of DNA as well. Scientists studying “molecular biology, biochemistry, math, computer science, engineering, and the health care industry worked together to turn what began in 1985… into an international scientific consortium… known as the Human Genome Project, begun in 1989” (Carroll and Ciaffa). The Human Genome Project is a scientific research project. The goal of this project is determining the sequence of human DNA and mapping the genes of the human genome. “Computer generated analysis tools designed specifically to understand the significance of the base sequence in this large macromolecule have aided the Human Genome Project tremendously” (Carroll and Ciaffa). New technologies have made it possible to create tools specifically for the use of gene research. That is to say that without the technological breakthroughs we have made, genetic research would be far less

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