
The Pros And Cons Of Donald Trump

Decent Essays

Donald Trump ran for the office of President of the United States and won the election against Hillary Clinton despite all odds and experts saying that he could not do it. During Trump’s campaign, he made several promises that turned out to be the rallying point in hs campaign and led to his success. The promises that Donald Trump has made include building a wall along the Mexican-American border. Trump said that the wall would cost an estimated $10 billion dollars but experts say that it could exceed $25 billion. Donald Trump’s plan to decrease the United States debt of about $20 trillion would start with creation of jobs. Trump has promised that his dynamic boosting economy will create over 25 million jobs within the next decade. Trump also …show more content…

Trump wants to build the wall because he wants to stop illegal immigrants from entering into the United States., 52% of which come from Mexico. 4 years into Trump’s presidency, I believe that the wall will not be built, no matter how much Trump wants it to happen. However, I think that people are going to start seeing that the wall must be built to stop illegal immigration. George Bush on the other hand did not want to build a wall, but rather a fence because it was more cost effective and it was still better than nothing because he still wanted to stop illegal immigration. To do this, he increased border security by temporarily deploying 6,000 National Guard …show more content…

With increased military presence in the Middle East, this could lead to a future conflict with Russia as Russia has already started the war on ISIS and is also increasing their influence in the Middle East as well.To decrease the chance of terrorist attacks happening on American soil, Donald Trump promises to stop immigration from terrorist nations. When comparing Donald Trump to George Walker Bush, Bush wanted to do the same to Al Qaeda when they bombed two planes into both of the world trade centers and another one into the Pentagon. In an interview, George Bush stated that when he heard of the news from the White House Chief of Staff Andy Card about the attacks on September 11th, he thought they they were under attack and that they were at war. From that point on, the “war on terror” had begun. Donald Trump has the same ideas as terrorist attacks around the world are happening which are linked to ISIS or are inspired by

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