
The Pros And Cons Of Common Core

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3. For whom is it a problem?
The problem is mainly for students and teachers under the Common Core standards for reasons I stated above, but I also believe that those who created Common Core and those who are involved with the laws of Common Core are also tangled in this problem. There have been so many complaints about Common Core that the people who created it might feel pressured to try and fix it. I am not sure if they are doing anything to fix it as of right now, but it is definitely a strong topic being discussed. The Senators and others who are involved with enforcing the law of Common Core are also involved with the problem because they are in charge of making the decision of whether or not Common Core should continue. States and schools are not happy with common core and they are not afraid of voicing their opinions to these leaders of power.

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When did it first become a problem?
I am pretty positive that Common Core was introduced around 2009, but I believe that I really started to hear more about it in the past couple of years. Maybe, this is due to the fact that I was younger around that time and not aware of as much now, but either way I think that Common Core’s issues have escalated over the past couple of years.

5. What is the root of the problem?
I believe that the root of the problem is trying to create an education system were all students will learn the same things, but where teachers have freedom to teach that subject in different ways. I have not done any research yet so I cannot say confidently that Common Core standards are good or bad, but I do believe that there are some holes and flaws in the idea and the structure and tight rules of Common Core are causing these issues making it the root of the

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