
The Pros And Cons Of Censorship In Schools

Decent Essays

Censorship has been around for millions of years. Although censorship is still practised in some countries today, almost anyone would agree that censorship is never the right answer; as we have seen in the past, it has seldomly ever works out. Which is why it is so concerning that schools are starting to allow censorship in classrooms. As a result of this, the world is seeing an alarming amount of young millennials who are fresh into the workforce, expecting to always be catered to. More and more millennials are not being properly prepared for the real world due to censorship in schools; schools have been giving in and catering to students by allowing the censoring of books and microaggressions in the classroom, as a result the students are being taught that the world will cater to everyone, which is very inaccurate.
One of the many reasons student are not being prepared properly for real world issues is due to schools allowing the censorship or banning of classic novels. An example of this can be seen in many schools across the world by adding trigger warnings to classic novels. Trigger warnings are being added to thousands of novels due to their brief content in which some students might take offensively. In the article “The Coddling of the American Mind,” Lukianoff and Haidt explain that millennials have always been taught that “life is dangerous, but adults will do everything in their power to protect you from harm “(Lukianoff and Haidt). This explains why schools are

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