
The Pros And Cons Of Bush Tax Cuts

Decent Essays

According to the article, The Bush Tax Cuts Have Had a Disastrous Fiscal Impact, “In the "no Bush tax cuts" alternate universe, our debt-to-GDP ratio would be less than 50 percent this year even after all the other fiscal shocks of the past 10 years.” To me this is an astonishing thing that the US economy could be in much better shape if the Bush Tax Cuts were not created. The tax cut will primarily only benefit the rich because they are paying the majority of the taxes, so if you think that imposing more tax cuts will benefit the economy as a whole then I think you need to listen up and figure out why in fact it does not benefit everybody. I definitely think there are more cons to a tax cut then a tax rise, so let me explain to you all of …show more content…

I do understand that it has happened in the past from President Bush. He sought it out as a great idea even though he stated that it in fact was not his idea, but of the works of his economic group that assisted him in anything dealing with the US economy. I have not seen many benefits coming from it besides the fact that it has helped out primarily the upper class, even though it was intended for the middle class. The US consumers do not know how to save anymore and want to buy, buy, buy, which is a downfall on the overall economy. Even though we have reduced the taxes to allow the US people to spend their money wisely such as putting it into saving, they have done just the opposite. I think personally the only way to overcome the condition that the economy is now in is to in fact raise taxes. It will allow for the government to pay off its debt, not right away, but eventually. It needs to be spread out through the whole entire board and not just a certain class. I know it would take a lot of convincing to a lot of people in order to raise taxes. Who really wants to spend extra money? No one. That is sadly the only way to go through this situation. If the “great leaders” in America keep thinking that tax cuts will benefit the whole economy, then what happened with Bush will keep happening. People will still not save their money, the rich will still be the only beneficiary of the tax cuts, and the debt will still continue to increase in America. There are definitely many implications to think of when someone wants to have a tax

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