I truly believe that Bernie Sanders would have been a far better nominee than Clinton. On the Republican side John Kasich, Mike Huckabee, or one to two others would have been better choices. I might have voted for a Democrat or Republican in November had party loyalist from both sides chose better, it wouldn't have been a loose - loose election. Those who say that Bernie Sanders is now irrelevant are absolutely wrong. He is still a Senator which means he still represents the great State of Vermont. As an Independent, he through his career he angered many with his criticism of both political parties. He didn't always agree with the views of either party on a number of issues. It was sad that to even have a chance in the Presidential election,
“Opponents have been attacking and defining Clinton for a quarter-century, but nobody has really gone to work demonizing Sanders” (Milbank). It is true that Clinton has been in the limelight for a long time, so many of her mistakes have already been aired publicly while Sanders has yet to be attacked in the same way. However, this also means that many people already have a set opinion about Clinton and are unlikely to change their mind anytime soon, so this isn’t necessarily positive for her. Any attacks on Sanders would have less time to ruminate with a person since he has not been in the news nearly as long as Clinton. He still has the ability to give some people a first impression. The article also refers to his label as a democratic-socialist making him unelectable, saying, “they’ll portray Sanders as one who wants the government to own and
The current political rhetoric, situation and attitude are so polarizing that most citizens are looking forward to the 2020 Presidential Election. Senator Bernie Sanders is still a popular choice for Independents. Senator Sanders is appealing to Independent voters because
Bernard "Bernie" Sanders (born September 8, 1941) is an American politician and the junior United States Senator from Vermont. He is a candidate for the Democratic nomination for President of the United States in the 2016 election. A Democrat as of 2015,[2] Sanders had been the longest-serving independent in U.S. congressional history, though his caucusing with the Democrats entitled him to committee assignments and at times gave Democrats a majority. Sanders became the ranking minority member on the Senate Budget Committee in January 2015; he had previously served for two years as chair of the Senate Veterans ' Affairs Committee.
Bernie Sanders represented more of the ideals of coming together to help the country. However, looking at both Sanders and Clinton we can see where the party's problem is. While Sanders did represent the “we” values, his supporters developed a mindset of we are the only way and will not submit to Clinton. Even when the party is trying to be for the people, it sets up barriers that drive the party apart rather than together. Overall, I really enjoyed Lilla’s article, I had never seen the party’s problem in this light.
I believe Bernie Sanders is the best for the presidential position because he wants to help immigrants who are undocumented here and will do better for this country. He is a flared candidate who has an important message to the people, record free of evildoing and corruption. No other candidate has the credibility Bernie has on economy. For decades no one has paid attention to the American economy when it rigged in favor of the billionaire class at the expense of everyone else. Now people are finally picking their heads up and listening. Love him or hate him, everyone knows Sanders has integrity.
Time magazine shows how much popularity and support Sanders has received (“The Gospel” 34). A politician who is not afraid to stand up for what he or she trusts will make this nation grow for the future. Bernie Sanders shows this nation that if freedom and equality is given regardless of what color skin you are, where you come from, or how much money and power you have, will make a better
In the beginning, nobody took Bernie Sanders seriously; they all mocked and made fun of him about his appearance. Then, Bernie said if he got elected he would make college tuition-free. Bernie’s goal was to make sure that every kid, no matter how much money they have, will be able to go to college. Bernie has also addressed the issue of violence between police departments (particularly white departments) and the communities they served. He responded to that issue saying: “We need to change the tone of police-community relations.” He says we need to make police seem like part of the community, not someone from the outside coming in to monitor and report them. AS you may know, there is a big rivalry between Bernie and fellow Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Numerous people say that Bernie has a lot of big ideas, but no way to reinforce them, but man believe he will do good things if he is elected president. After running for president, he really made his dream to aid the powerless
During the beginning of the 2016 election season when a bunch of people would be declaring their candidacy for a presidential nomination, there was a lot of speculation of who would run. There was theories that maybe Mitt Romney would have one more go. Some thought that Hillary Clinton would take the Democratic nomination by a landslide. During all this speculation, Donald Trump declares his candidacy for the Republican nomination while Bernie Sanders declares his for the Democratic nomination. A lot of people thought that Sanders and Trump didn’t have a chance. Sanders had a very unlikely chance of winning because Hillary Clinton’s support was too high. Trump had a small chance too because he had tried to run before and never gained much ground. Fast forward several months and it looks like Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump could both win the nomination. What happened? These candidates came out of nowhere with little chance to win and turned the tables against their opponents. What changed? There were several factors that caused this turn of events including Hillary
Bernie Sanders has been involved in politics for much of his lifetime. In the year of 1981, he was elected to be the mayor of Burlington, Vermont, and was reelected in the next three consecutive elections. Sanders became a United States senator in 2006. He has served 16 years in the House of Representatives, making him the longest-serving independent member
right now and Bernie Sanders is going to help the world out by making health care a single-payer government, that means that the government sponsors the health care. Bernie states that the states without Obama Care right now, are going to need to figure out an overall budget for that state and will have to set it on their own (Desjardins). Another major major issue in the US right now is taxes and how the government is handling taxes in the US is not a good way to be handling the taxes. Bernie is going to make it cheaper for the middle class and poor class people to pay taxes (Klien). For the rich class people however, Sanders is going to make taxes more expensive.
Amongst all of the presidential candidates of the 2016 race, one in particular stands above the rest. Bernie Sanders, running as a democrat, holds the highest capability to better the nation amongst all other candidates.
I honestly believe that if the democrats chose Bernie Sanders, he'd be the President Elect right now. In the end, it's only 4 years and using the system in place he won fair and square. We'll all have to wait and see how it turns out. I for one, and all of you should, at least hope he's going to do great things for
The world in which we dwell is so complex that it would take a lifetime to
Donald Trump a controversial figure and debatably most controversial ever has divided the country once again in his decision to go against DACA.The Deferred Action for Childhood Revivals is a program that gives children who had no choice to entering this country protection from being deported and allows them to work in the United states.Trump and countless others however think this is something that shouldn't happen even though a illegal is a illegal and don't understand the position that they have been through.The idea of DACA is misunderstood by these people because it's believed that this is citizenship which is untrue even obama saying”This is not amnesty,this is not immunity.This is not a path to citizenship.It's not a permenant fix.This
Suddenly, there is a big crash! Poppy falls to the ground, and I hear screaming!