
The Pros And Cons Of Atomic Bombs

Decent Essays

Atomic bombs changed how countries solve problems between them. When atomic bombs were made there were some pros and cons to it. Based on articles about atomic bombs, it is obvious that the atomic bomb is the invention that has had the biggest impact on humanity. The atomic bomb is the most powerful nuclear weapon which has already killed many people, and terrorists now even use it as revenge. First of all, the atomic bomb is the most powerful nuclear weapon and far more destructive. According to Matthew Kroenig, “A large nuclear war could devastate Earth’s climate and the ability to support life”. “The weapons explosion would produce four basic effects: Blast wave, thermal radiation, prompt nuclear radiation, and residual nuclear radiation. This means atomic bombs can make Earth’s climate worst which will affect life on Earth. This matters because we won’t be able to live …show more content…

According to Matthew Kroening the bomb in Hiroshima killed 70,000 to 100,000 people. “A nuclear weapon set off in large city could kill millions of people”. “Nuclear radiation can destroy living cells and prevent cell replacement”. This means if one single bomb is dropped it can cause a lot of damage by destroying houses and killing thousands of people. The radiation the bomb produces could cause second degree burns. This matters because many innocent civilians are getting killed just because one single bomb was dropped. Finally, terrorists use it to attack an enemy or to plan an attack somewhere. “Experts believe that a terrorist group with nuclear weapons would likely use them.” “Terrorists can obtain nuclear weapons or materials by stealing them from nuclear-armed state.” This means that any terrorist can have access to nuclear weapons easily which they will use against an enemy or use it to attack a place with a lot of people. It matters because terrorists will be able to have nuclear weapons and kill thousands of

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