
The Pros And Cons Of Antitrust Laws

Decent Essays

The first antitrust law was passed in 1890 by Congress called, the Sherman Act. It was a wide-ranging charter of economic liberty designed to preserve unrestricted competition within the rule of trade. Congress then passed two additional antitrust laws in 1914, called the Federal Trade Commission Act that formed the FTC, and the Clayton Act. These would be the three essential antitrust, federal laws that are still in effect today (The Antitrust Laws, 2013). Antitrust laws prohibit illegal mergers and business practices, which leaves the court of law to resolve which laws were broken based on the case facts. Antitrust laws have the same straightforward objective and that is to protect the progression of competition to benefit consumers, in making sure that there are incentives for companies to function proficiently, to preserve low prices, and higher quality(The Antitrust Laws, 2013). The three essential antitrust, federal laws The Sherman Act The Sherman Act forbids contracts and sedition in limitation of trade, monopolization, attempted monopolization, or conspiracy to monopolize. In1914, the Supreme Court agreed that the Sherman Act does not exclude every limitation of trade, only those that are perverse. For instance, …show more content…

The Supreme Court states that all violations of the Sherman Act will correspondingly violate the Federal Trade Commission Act. However, the FTC does not officially administer the Sherman Act, they can bring cases under the Federal Trade Commission Act in contrast to the same class of actions which violates the Sherman Act. The Federal Trade Commission Act correspondingly, influence additional practices that harm competition, however, may not fit precisely into particular classes of conduct officially prohibited by the Sherman Act; only the Federal Trade Commission can bring cases under the Federal Trade Commission Act (The Antitrust Laws,

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