
The Pros And Cons Of Animal Testing

Decent Essays

Animal testing is one of the biggest issues currently in America. According to a Newsweek article, there is about 43 percent of people who opposed to animal testing (Ericson) and those percentages are increasing each year. Animal Testing is the use of animals in experiments and development projects usually to determine toxicity, dosing, and efficacy of test drugs before proceeding to human clinical trials (“Animal Testing- Biology-Online Dictionary). There are many sick and healthy animals that are currently kept by scientists in a laboratory to get products tested on. Animals have been experimented on in the past to know if certain products like medications are healthy and useful enough for humans. There are two different points of views when it comes to animal testing some believes that there is nothing wrong with animal testing, but others say contrarily.

In laboratories, there are animals including mice, monkeys, guinea pigs, rats, and many more are exposed to medical drugs in parts of their bodies. “[They are exposed to] dripping ingredients into their eyes, smearing them [onto] their skin, injecting them into their bodies, force-feeding them, or making them inhale these substances to see possible effects”, stated by Iglesias. Many animals are dying on a regular basis because of the drugs that are injected into them, leaving them weak and sick, resulting to their death.

Supporters of Animal testing find that human’s life is more important than an animal’s life

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