
The Pros And Cons Of Abortion

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On the 11th of October, in the year of 2017, a 17-year-old crossed the United States border illegally from Central America. She dreamed of one day being a nurse and, someday, caring for senior citizens. Her lawyers say that having a baby was not part of her plans. She was detained at the U.S.- Mexico border and after a medical examination, she was told she was pregnant. Texas law requires a minor to get parental consent or a judicial waiver to get an abortion. She obtained the waiver and then tried to schedule an abortion, but the Trump administration declined her. Under the Obama administration, pregnant girls in these shelters who sought abortions were allowed to obtain them. That policy has changed under the Trump administration. The acting director of the refugee agency emailed staff to refrain from “any action that facilitates” abortion access without the “direction and approval” of the agency’s director. The government, through means of court documents, forced her to visit a religiously affiliated crisis pregnancy center where they tried to talk her into following through with her pregnancy. After an appeals court ruled in her favor, the teenager left the federally-funded Texas shelter (where she had been kept under close watch) and terminated her pregnancy.
The abortion ended the girl’s individual court challenge and the case drew widespread attention, bringing up issues of abortion rights and illegal immigration. Texas attorney General Ken Paxton said that he and

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