
The Pros And Cons Of Abortion

Decent Essays

Abortion is a very controversial topic that not everyone can speak freely about without getting offended or offending others’ personal views and beliefs. Before 1973 abortion was illegal unless the mother’s life depended on that of the abortion. Women had to go through unsafe and unprofessional means to have an abortion preformed. It wasn’t until 1973, when The U.S Supreme Court sided with Roe, in Roe v. Wade. In the words of Planned Parenthood, “… the court recognized for the first time that the constitutional right to privacy “is broad enough to encompass a woman’s decision whether or not to terminate her pregnancy.” (Roe v. Wade, 1973) Pro-choice allows women to have a voice, the power to choose and the opportunity to for once decide for themselves. For the most part abortions take place in the first trimester, adoption is not always an alternative and in some cases of rape or incest an abortion is called for. This is why pro-choice should not be over turned despite what pro-lifers advocate. When it comes to deciding to terminate an abortion, there are many factors that come into play. The motive behind the decision has to do with the mother’s judgment of what is the best fate for their embryo. We all make judgments based on our filters instead of seeing if from a different perspective our biases do not allow for this. That is why many pro-lifers make it seem that the mother is a monster for committing the atrocity of killing this potential child. Pro-life advocates lack to acknowledge that abortions for the most part take place in the first trimester when the baby is not fully developed and has not reached the age of viability. The American Pregnancy Association reports, that the first trimester is called the gestational age and that during this stage a lot of basic growth is occurring. However, most body parts are not yet distinguishable and it is not until the10th week when the embryo ends the embryonic period to begin the fetal period. Thus, when an abortion is being performed the embryo is no bigger than the size of a bean or about 3 inches, and weights about an ounce. However, when advocates for pro-life argue that the fetus or embryo at the end of the day is or will be a human being is

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