
The Product Of Popular Culture

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There are many versions of culture, Culture is described as being about value and it is often the values that belong to these cultures which determine what is desirable (McClements, 2016). All cultures each have their own set set of rules which determine whether something has attained desirability (McClements, 2016), in particular popular culture. In 2012 HBO released Girls season one, and due to its various success, it became an artifact of popular culture. Yet these successes venture out from just audience ratings equalizing popularity, as 2012 enhanced the spectator’s ability to participate with the shows content, becoming its driving force. The maker’s involvement and influence on the content as well as the industry’s use of repetition to capitalise are also contributing factors. However, it must also be taken into consideration that the ideas and values of people in 2012 heightened the shows popularity as the content, regardless of its like ability, stemmed discussions and debates over its controversial nature. Though it must first be asked what exactly popular culture is and how Girls season one became an artifact of this particular culture.

Popular culture, can be described in many ways; however, theorist John Fiske describes it as ‘the process of generating meaning inside a given social system’ (Sokolowski on Fiske, n.d). Popular culture is representative of what is important to people at the current time, giving indications of what is valued by that

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