
The Process Of Argumentative Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Being the attorney of a defendant on trial for armed robbery you face many decisions that may be difficult to handle, but knowing that is the job you signed up for you must do your job. The defendant and the attorney are the people of interest in this situation. The defendant’s freedom is at stake for committing an armed robbery. While the attorney’s career is at stake for the evidence brought forth to his attention, which he decided to return to the defendant. Why does the attorney want me to give the firearm back to the defendant, when I feel that we should notify the prosecution of the newfound evidence? Now what to do with the firearm in my possession, do I or do I not give the firearm back to the defendant? Yes, the evidence may be incriminating to the defendant, …show more content…

There are two ways I can go about handling this situation. I can either disregard what the attorney told me to do and give the firearm to the prosecution, which will possibly cause me to lose my internship or I can do exactly what the attorney asked me to do asked me to do and give the defendant back the firearm with no questions asked. I have determined that in order to be a good attorney you must listen and do what is best for your client. While following the rules I have decided to give the firearm back to the defendant, but I also plan on finding out if that is the only thing we are going to do with the recent evidence. Discussing with the attorney that I believe we should turn the evidence over to prosecution because it may or may not be the firearm used during the robbery, but also that we should know for sure. The attorney’s decision to give the firearm back may be the right decision for his own career, but may not be necessarily for the defendant. In fact, the attorney should turn the evidence over, but not if he is trying to win the case then that would not be the logical thing to

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